The buzz is building: The King of Pop in the flesh is sadly gone, but South East London princes Jace B, Alfie-J, and Dieu Carreira are more than happy to be a 21st century mix of Michael and The Jackson Five. The brothers go by the name of Nicole Jane. Yep, The Nightfly was confused too at first, but the name doesn’t seem to be hurting them so far – they’re touring all of this month in England, including Liverpool, the birthplace of the original British Invasion.
Not sure if the Beatles would have gone very far with a girly name, but the guys in Nicole Jane make that thing work, baby. They got the vocals, the look, and the right kind of sweet-but-not-yucky pop confections to make it big. Really, really big. And we all know what that means: breaking into the all-important US market. Not to knock being big in Japan or in Germany, but the US remains the holy grail for artists/bands in terms of sales and prestige.
Nicole Jane opened for Ne-Jo in the UK in 2007 - don’t need a crystal ball to “predict” that Nicole Jane will soon have American tweeners screaming like their grandmothers did when John, Paul, George and Ringo came calling in 1964.
The Nightfly's favorite track: "Is It Me", a song so catchy it makes Jingle Bells sound like your ten year-old newphew tuning his souped up electric ukulele.